Monday, July 27, 2009

realiti & mimpi...

realiti & mimpi...kedua2nya adalah perkara yg sgt2 berbeza. Kita selalu bermimpi...tak kira la mimpi indah atau mimpi buruk ataupun mimpi kita utk menggapai sesuatu. Tp kita hidup dlm alam realiti & bkn alam mimpi. Ada org beranggapan yg mereka sggp hidup dlm alam mimpi sbb bg mereka mimpi itu indah dan takkan mengecewakan mereka especially if it was a beatiful dream. Tp mereka tak sedar sesuatu...mimpi tu blh menyebabkn mereka kecewa kerana mimpi tak selamanyer indah. To make things worse...when they woke up from their dreams and realise that they have to live in reality.

Realiti tu lebih baik dr mimpi. Walaupun tak semua org rasa mcm tu...they have to accept the fact that we live in a real world. Org2 yg rasa mimpi tu lebih baik dr realiti...for me...they are coward...mrk x brni utk menempuhi alam realiti yg byk cabaran. These type of people should wake up from their dream and live in the real world. Mereka x blh trus hidup dlm mimpi & angan2 ciptaan mereka sndr...smpai biler nk hidup dlm angan2. Let say for example...we want the world to live in poverty...people live in harmonious life and the world is a better place to live...but if we only have the courage to dream of it without the courage to do something about is useless. we can dream that there will be no more more little children who live in miserable life but if we did not act and not brave enough to change it...there's no use. Impian tu hanya tggl impian and the world will never change.

Dare to dream...and dare to act to make your dreams come true...

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